Day 3 of Filming

Wednesday 23rd December 2015

Today, because Molly and I had plans of our own, Ben and Finlay offered to film some shots. The shots were of the detective walking down a narrow alley way. This not only conformed to the edgy, mysterious atmosphere of Film Noir, but also looked even more authentic as they put the camera at a canted angle. This gave a sense of unease an echoed the dark gloomy setting. They did many takes of the shot and also did some extra shots with a focus pull that pulled into focus when the detective started walking down the alley way. The camera was also very close to the ground and so we mostly saw a close up of he detective’s feet and legs when he walked and then we eventually come to see his whole body as he moves further and further away. With the camera being on the ground, it meant that we would almost be looking up at the detective, and so this establishes authority and importance. This is good because the detective is an important character and we wanted to portray this through this type of shot. Because Molly and I were not present at the time, I can’t say much about what happened and what was discussed during filming. However we shall further be talking about it when it comes to our next day of filming, which will be the 28th of December.

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